La Eterna Niña Pehebe

Bellypainting, animación infantil y productos personalizados

Happy St. Celedonius, Cyril and Methodius!

Surely, if I wish you Happy St. Celedonius, Happy St. Cyril and Happy St. Methodius, you will not know what I am referring to, right?
What if I tell you that day is February 14th ?? Now you know where the shots go, right?
February 14th is known worldwide for St. Valentine’s Day, but it also coincides with St. Celedonius, Cyril and Methodius, and the poor do not know the vast majority, well in person I do not, but at least I know of their existence and somethings which they made in life, especially of Cyril Methodius who lived in the s.IX.
At this time, there is an increasingly dull air, as romanticism is giving way to marketing, advertising, economics … and part of this special day has been lost. Many people believe that Valentine Wars created by department store (whose name I will not mention, not to advertise;))
We must try to recover the Romanticism that in those days could be felt. Where have these poems of love remained? Where were these walks under the light of the moon? Where are those letters of love, whose words penetrate the soul and lodge in the heart? Do you think I’ve become old-fashioned? Do you think I’m being very corny? Do not you think it would be good to spend more time with the person you love? Well, today is the day.
If by circumstances beyond you, you can not be together physically on this day, do not worry, poems, love letters, … can come closer. Each word, each letter, which with your heart you write will reach the soul and will be lodged in your heart, making that the distance that separates you will decrease to zero. Also, now with the new technologies, it is easier to make your message arrive, or not? I know it’s not the same, but you have to try to feel more close to your partner by all means.
Can I give you some advice? Saint Valentine or Saint Celedonius, Cyril, Methodius is only once a year, your love lasts for all eternity and we must prove it day by day. So if you do not remember any of those who are reading this Post on this day, do not worry, there are still 364 more days left. And as I do not want to forget about you, and as poems and love letters have to be presonalized and it would take me a long time to write one to each one of you, … I will give you the best thing to do:


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