La Eterna Niña Pehebe

Bellypainting, animación infantil y productos personalizados

The first love.

I was thousands of miles from my home, surrounded by people, who barely knew the name … and suddenly … a chill ran through every corner of my being …, the heart began to pump in an unusual way, … my feet were paralyzed …, my hands stiffened …, my mouth dried and I could not utter a word …, my eyes were fixed on that person …, the breath did not reach my lungs … Oh my God! What happens to me? … Why do I feel so bad? … PLEASE WHAT SOMEBODY HELP ME! … No one hears me ….
My feet respond awkwardly … Where am I going? Why there? …
My hands start to shake … What do they want me to touch? What do they want me to …?
Slowly my mouth begins to moisten and weakly come out the wrong words. … But what am I saying? …
My eyes are still fixed on that person, unable to blink … Why can not I look away? …
My breath is still the same …
Every step he took … his heart beat faster … the air grew heavier …
A smile, … a smile was worth to appease my heart, to lighten the atmosphere, to calm my being.
I do not know what happened, but I can not erase that day and that person from my mind, from my eyes, from my breath, from my mouth, from my hands, from my heart.
Now I can say without a doubt: «That the first love was engraved forever in all parts of my body» corazón papel verde


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